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Game » consists of 30 releases. Released Mar 27, 2018
- PlayStation 4
- PC
- Xbox One
The fifth main entry in the open-world series, this time set in Montana. The protagonist must free Hope County from the cult known as Eden’s Gate, led by cult leader Joseph Seed.
Short summary describing this game.
- Boomer Boomer is an Australian Cattle Dog that aids and assists both the Junior Deputy and Dani Rojas in their journey to end tyranny.
- Cameron Burke Cameron Burke is US Federal Marshal that was tasked with apprehending Joseph Seed in Montana.
- Casey Fixman
- Charles Lindsey
- Deputy Hudson Joey Hudson is a Deputy of Hope County that is sent to apprehend the Seed family.
- Deputy Nancy Deputy Nancy works at Hope County Sheriffs Office, and is secretly in league with Eden's Gate.
- Deputy Pratt Staci Pratt is a Deputy in Hope County tasked with bringing the Seed family to justice.
- Dutch Roosevelt Dutch Roosevelt is a doom prepper in Hope County, Montana.
- Eli Palmer Eli is the leader of the Whitetail Militia.
- Faith Seed
- Grace Armstrong
- Hurk Hurk appeared in Far Cry 3 as a mission giver, as a playable character in Far Cry 4 (Co-op mode only) and as a gun for hire in Far Cry 5
- Jacob Seed
- Jess Black
- John Seed Joseph Seed's younger brother, he serves as the legal representation for Project at Eden's Gate.
- Joseph Seed Joseph Seed is the cult leader of Eden's Gate in the game Far Cry 5.
- Junior Deputy
- Kim Rye
- Mary May Fairgrave Mary May Fairgrave is a bartender from Spread Eagles.
- Nick Rye Nick Rye is a pilot living in Hope County. He strongly opposes Eden's Gate.
- Pastor Jerome Jerome is a Christian pastor in Hope County, Montana.
- Sheriff Whitehorse Earl Whitehorse the sheriff of Hope County, and enlists the help of the Junior Deputy to bring the Seeds to justice.
- Tammy Barnes Tammy is second-in-command in the Whitetail Militia, who oppose Eden's Gate.
- Tracey Lader Tracey Lader is a a former Eden's Gate member that escaped to join the Hope County Cougars.
- Virgil Minkler Virgil Minkler is the mayor of the Hope County Cougars.
- Wendell Redler Wendell Redler is a Vietnam veteran in Far Cry 5, as well as the main protagonist in the DLC Hours of Darkness.
- Wheaty
- Willis Huntley A CIA agent on Rook Island who helps the protagonist in Far Cry 3.
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