Understanding what prefixes are and what they mean is a vital part of expanding your English vocabulary. This guide will help you learn everything you need to know about using prefixes correctly.
Prefixes: Quick Summary
A prefix is a letter or group of letters that are added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. For example, “bi-” is a prefix that means “two.” Therefore, bicycle refers to “a human-powered two-wheeled vehicle.”
Table of Contents
What Is a Prefix?
Examples of Prefixes
- A-
- Ante-
- Auto-
- Circum-
- De-
- Dys-
- Endo-
- Hyper-
- Hypo-
- In-
- Inter-
- Mega-
- Macro-
- Micro-
- Mis-
- Milli-
- Para-
- Poly-
- Re-
- Sub-
What Is a Prefix?
A prefix is a letter or group of letters that are added to the beginning of a word to alter its meaning. For example, the prefix “co-” means “together.” Therefore, cooperation refers to “working together.”
I was not used to the level of cooperation but found it extremely beneficial.
A prefix is a subcategory of affixes, which are letters that are added to a word to change its meaning.
Affixes can be either inflectional or derivational. An inflection affix is added to a word to indicate grammatical information (such as tense and number) while maintaining the word’s core meaning (e.g., bird vs. birds). Derivational affixes can completely change the meaning or grammatical role of a word (e.g., interesting vs. interestingly).
In English, suffixes can be both inflectional or derivational, while prefixes solely undertake a derivational role.
Keep In Mind
The word prefix can also function as a verb that means “to fix or appoint beforehand.”
- She decided to prefix the presentation with a quick recap of her school’s recent accomplishments.
Examples of Prefixes
There are countless prefixes, all with different meanings. Below, we’ll go over some common ones, tell you what they mean, and provide examples of words that contain them.
“A-” means “not.”
Example | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Atypical | “Not typical” | Our meeting was atypical. |
“Ante-” means “prior.”
Example | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Antecedent | “Something that comes before or precedes another thing” | The recession had is antecedents in a series of poor decisions made by the government. |
“Auto-” means “by one’s self or itself.”
Example | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Autobiography | “The account of a person’s life written by that person” | It took me two years to write my autobiography. |
“Circum-” means “go around”
Example | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Circumvent | “To find a way around something (usually an obstacle)” | Despite having to circumvent numerous issues, we managed to submit the project on time. |
“De-” means “remove” or “negative.”
Example | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Destabilize | “To make something unstable” | The election had a destabilizing impact on several other countries. |
“Dys-” means “negative,” “badly,” or “wrongly.”
Example | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Dystopia | “An imagined place or state in which there is great suffering and injustice” | It seemed like we were living in a dystopian novel. |
“Endo-” means “within” or “inner.”
Example | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Endoskeleton | “An internal skeleton” | Humans have endoskeletons, which provide a framework that supports and protects their internal organs. |
“Hyper-” means “above,” “over,” or “beyond.”
Example | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Hyperactivity | “The condition of being overly or extremely active” | My dog’s hyperactivity can be a lot to handle. |
“Hypo-” means “below” or “not enough.”
Example | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Hypothermia | “A medical condition in which the body temperature is much lower than normal” | The risk of hypothermia is a serious issue during the winter. |
“In-” means “not.”
Example | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Incorrect | “Not correct” or “wrong” | I tried to answer the question, but the professor said I was incorrect. |
“Inter-” means “between” or “among.”
Example | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Interact | “To act or communicate with each other” | The newcomers were encouraged to interact with each other. |
“Mega-” means “large.”
Example | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Megaphone | “A cone-shaped device used to amplify sound” | The megaphone wasn’t working, so the crowd struggled to hear me. |
“Macro-” means “large-scale.”
Example | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Macroeconomics | “The branch of economics that deals with the economy as a whole” | We were studying for a macroeconomics exam. |
“Micro-” means “small-scale.”
Example | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Microscopic | “So small that it cannot be seen with the naked eye” | The microscopic algae were wreaking havoc on the reef. |
“Mis-” means “bad” or “wrong.”
Example | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Misspell | “To spell a word incorrectly” | She misspelled the final word. |
“Milli-” means one thousandth.”
Example | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Millimeter | “A unit of length equal to one thousandth of a meter” | For precision, we had to measure it in millimeters. |
“Para-” means “beside,” “beyond,” or “related to.”
Example | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Paranormal | “Relating to the claimed occurrence of an event devoid of scientific reasoning” | No one believed me when I told them I had a paranormal experience involving a ghost. |
“Poly-” means “many” or “much.”
Example | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Polyglot | “Someone who knows several languages” | I only speak English, but my goal is to become a polyglot. |
“Re-” means “again.”
Example | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Redo | “Do something again or differently” | I had to redo my art project because my sister spilled coffee all over it. |
“Sub-” means “below.”
Example | Meaning | Example Sentence |
Subzero | “Below zero” | It was so cold outside, it seemed like we were in subzero temperatures. |
Using Prefixes Correctly
The examples listed above represent only a few of the numerous prefixes found in the English language. Don’t be intimidated or overwhelmed if you aren’t completely familiar with all of them. There’s a way to ensure you always use prefixes correctly—by using LanguageTool as your writing assistant.
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Gina holds a Bachelor of Arts in English. With a passion for creating art with words, she spends her free time reading and writing. And no, we didn’t force her to say that. You can find her strolling the shorelines with her loyal canine companion, Mango, or (painfully) cheering on her favorite team, the Miami Dolphins.
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